Carlow County Council Annual Report 2016


Performance Highlights 2016
  • Funding Work - A total of €225,120 was secured by the LSP for sports development in County Carlow;
  • Disability Programme - €25,500 was secured to deliver a programme of actions to address the needs of people with a disability in sport with participation opportunities provided for approximately 216 people;
  • Community Events - Over 2000 people took part in LSP community based programmes targeting youth and families, e.g. Get Outdoors, Operation Transformation, Play Day, Recreation Week, etc.;
  • Fit Over 50 - 135 people took part in our Older Adults Sports Hub activities in Carlow Town and Tullow;
  • Women in Sport Programmes - 20 women took part in LSP Sports Activity Programmes;
  • Schools - 16 primary local schools took part in LSP programmes to increase participation of young people in sport;
  • Club Development Work - 26 local sports clubs were assisted with development issues;
  • Information Provision - Over 1,200 individuals were supported with information provision during 2016;
  • Training - 432 local sports leaders, volunteers and coaches took part in LSP training courses with 63 local clubs represented;
  • Policy - The LSP participated in 5 local and regional committees, networks and forums to promote participation in sport and the message of the LSP.
Summary of Outputs 2016


Background to County Carlow Local Sports Partnership

County Carlow Local Sports Partnership is part of a national network of 29 sports partnerships. Sport Ireland devised the Local Sports Partnership (LSP) concept as a means to coordinate and promote the development of sport at a local level. County Carlow Sports Partnership was initiated in 2006. The LSP is funded primarily through Sport Ireland and operates as a sub-committee of Carlow County Council. The LSP management committee meets approximately every 6 - 8 weeks. The remit of the management committee is to oversee the implementation of the yearly operational plan and support and guide the LSP staff.
Sport County Carlow Local Sports Partnership Committee & Staff, Sept 2016.
Purpose of County Carlow Local Sports Partnership

The aim of the LSP is to increase participation in sport and physical activity regardless of age, ability or background through:
  • Providing a central information point for sports development;
  • Developing capacity of sports leaders through quality training;
  • Collaborating with national governing bodies of sport, organisations, private facilities, schools, sports clubs and community groups to develop programmes to address barriers to participation.
  • Promoting the benefits of sport and the positive impact sport can have on obesity, social inclusion and mental health.
County Carlow Local Sports Partnership Management Committee Members 2016
The table below lists the current members who bring a wealth of experience and knowledge in physical activity, sports development, volunteer training and social inclusion:
Name Agency
Carmel Lynch
Sports Community Rep
Tom Geoghegan Sports Community Rep
Julie Doyle Sports Community Rep
Julie Doyle Sports Community Rep
John Hayden Sports Community Rep
Olive Fanning Health Promotion, HSE
Donal McNally Institute of Technology Carlow
Ronan Dempsey Sports Community Rep
Declan Doyle Sports Community Rep
Garry Coady Sports Community Rep
Michael Brennan Carlow County Council
Regina Duane Carlow Volunteer Centre
Kathryn Wall Carlow Regional Youth Services
Karl Duffy County Carlow Development Partnership
Pat Bolger Sports Community Rep
Staffing & Personnel

The LSP is currently staffed by three full-time staff members:
  • Coordinator: Martha Jane Duggan
  • Administrator: Sandra Corrigan
  • Community Sports Development Officer: Louise Barry
Regular tutors & programme facilitators for LSP local and Sports Ireland National Programmes - County Carlow LSP collaborates with a number of highly skilled and experienced local sports leaders to deliver participation programmes:
  • Joanne Wall (Sports Inclusion Disability Programme & Disability Inclusion Training);
  • Teresa Meagher (Sports Inclusion Disability Programme);
  • Ken Kavanagh (Code of Ethics & Basic Awareness & Children?s Officer Training);
  • Grainne Fleming (Code of Ethics Basic Awareness);
  • Pulse Medical Brain Downes (Occupational First Aid, Sports First Aid, Defib Training);
  • Sharon O'Byrne (Sportshall Athletics & Community Walking Programme)
  • Lisa Kennedy (Sportshall Athletics & Community Walking Programme);
  • Tomas Kinsella (Sportshall Athletics).
County Carlow Local Sports Partnership Funding Secured 2016

Core funding from Sport Ireland €113,199
Programme and other funding from Sport Ireland €6,400
Local Authority €10,500
HSE €8,500
Dormant Accounts Funding Community Coaching €11,925
Sport Ire Community Sports Development Officer €25,000
Youth leadership €5,000
Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport €5,000
Department of Children and Youth Affairs €19,350
Leader/ Local Development Company €4,000
Income Generated from Courses, Programmes, Events €16,246
Total €225,120

Funding Notes 2016
  • County Carlow Development Partnership The €4,000 from the Local Development Company was secured through a proposal made by the LSP in relation to the Carlow Sports Inclusion Programme;
  • Department of Transport Tourism & Sport The Department Transport Tourism & Sport funding breaks down as €5,000 secured through annual Bike Week grant fund.
  • Dormant Accounts Community Sports Development Officer Grant Scheme Sport Ireland awarded Carlow Local Sports Partnership €25,000 under this grant scheme based on the funding proposal submitted in May. This fund has been made available to support the National Physical Activity Plan action to "Strengthen and enhance the capacity of the Local Sports Partnerships to further develop locally led plans and more long-term sustainable physical activity programmes". Louise Barry was appointed following the recruitment process and the impact was that the post increased the capacity of the LSP to deliver opportunities for physical activity within that time-frame.
  • Dormant Accounts Youth Leadership Grant Scheme Secured €5,000 under this Sport Ireland administered grant scheme to deliver youth leadership training in partnership with local schools and youth organizations.

As directed by Sport Ireland, LSPs undertake a wide range of actions with the aim of increasing participation rates in their local communities. These actions are grouped within four outcome areas:
  1. Working to increase participation levels, especially amongst specific target groups;
  2. Building sustainable local sporting infrastructure through support for NGBs, clubs, coaches and volunteers and supporting partnerships between local sports clubs, community based organisations and sector agencies;
  3. Creating greater opportunities for access to training and education in relation to sports and physical activity provision;
  4. Providing information about sport and physical activity to create awareness and access.
Objective 1: Increasing Levels of Participation


Programme Outline: The objective of this programme is to increase participation of people with a disability in sport and active recreation, in partnership with all relevant stakeholders. A detailed programme of activities was prepared based on the needs and barriers facing the target group. The Local Sports Partnership (LSP) worked closely with local stakeholders to monitor and evaluate the programme and detailed progress reports were presented to the Local Sports Partnership Committee at regular intervals. The project is funded by the HSE, County Carlow Development Partnership & Sport Ireland, managed by LSP Coordinator and delivered through a contract for services by programme facilitators Joanne Wall and Teresa Meagher.
Organisations/Services Involved: Some of the groups involved include: IWA; Regional Youth Services; St. Dympnas Hosp Occupational Therapy; HSE Mental Health Unit; BEAM Services; Rehabcare; Cairdeas Centre; Skillsbase NLN: Delta Centre; Carlow Autism Group; Special Olympics; Carlow Down Syndrome Group; NCBI; Visual Impairment Group; etc.
Adapted Physical Activity Participation Outputs 2016 The project addresses the imbalance of opportunities for people with physical, learning and sensory disabilities to participate in sport and physical activity in County Carlow. Projects are based on needs identified by people with a disability, carers, parents and organizations. The projects provide an important social outlet. The following table provides a summary of the disability actions and participant numbers:
Wheelchair Basketball 18 11 Physical disability 3 siblings, friends & family members IWA, Presentation Secondary School, Local Basketball Clubs
St Dympna's Mental Health Group 6 11 Mental ill health HSE
Summer Adapted Physical Activity Camp 39 participants 16 leaders 18 Intellectual disability 2 Physical disability (20 with a disability) IT Carlow, Carlow Regional Youth Services, & NGBs
Inclusive Cycling 33 Intellectual disability Private provider, Presentation School Askea Local apa network
Inclusive Swimming 12 Intellectual Disability Holy Angels & local disability organisations
Trail Kids 9 Pan Disability Trail Kids & local disability organisations
Yoga 12 (2 groups J Wall & Eist) Pan Disability IWA & Eist
Horse Riding 59 Pan Disability Doyles, Carrigbeg
Tae Kwon Do 12 Intellectual Disability Tullow TKD Club & local disability organisations
Adapted Physical Activity Training and Education Outputs
The LSP implemented a two pronged approach in order to:
1. Facilitate involvement of individuals/disability organizations; and 2. Support/upskill clubs, coaches and volunteers to adapt and include people with a disability.
Disability Awareness Training CARA, IT Carlow 16
Disability Inclusion Training CARA, IT Carlow 27
Disability Programme Highlight - Inclusion Camp July 2016

Carlow LSP collaborated with IT Carlow to organise a summer camp for young people with a disability. The camp was open to siblings to attend also. 39 participants took part. 16 sports leaders were trained to support the delivery of the camp. The camp was open to boys and girls from 6 to 16 years. It ran from August 2nd - 5th, 10am to 2pm each day at IT Carlow. The cost of the camp was €25 per child. Family discounts were available with each additional child charged at €20. The price included an optional trip to Avon Ri Lakeshore Adventure Centre. The programme was supported by IT Carlow, Sport Ireland, Carlow County Council, Carlow Regional Youth Services and County Carlow Development Partnership. Activities were tailored to the camp participants and included: Arts & Crafts; Sports; Games; Cycling; Computing; Trip to outdoor activity centre in Wicklow Avon Ri (optional). The camp was successful and feedback from participants and parents was very positive. The LSP received a number of emails and phone-calls from parents commenting on how happy they were with the camp leaders, the activities and the facilities on site.
Disability Disability Programme Highlight - Horse-riding Programme for Children with Autism
"Hi Martha,
We've completed three of our four horse riding lessons now and I couldn't begin express how successful and what a powerful experience they have been for our group from the Queen of the Universe N.S. It has been awesome! Thank you so very much for enabling this to happen. I want to follow up on the finances because I was asked today how we will be processing it. I will collect the invoice from Carrigbeg next Friday so please let me know how we will be processing the finances.
Mile buiochas,

Email from Tommy Cox, teacher at Queen of the Universe NS, Bagenalstown with regard to the horse-riding programme they participated in organised by County Carlow LSP.

Sport Ireland identifies older adults as a key target group to promote physical activity due to low participation levels. Physical activity has a positive effect on general well-being, physical and mental health. This programme comes under the umbrella of Age Friendly Carlow - physical activity can be used as a powerful tool to combat loneliness, for social inclusion, to encourage engagement in the local community and can increase the potential for independent living. During 2016 County Carlow Local Sports Partnership continued to use St. Laurence O'Toole's AC (SLOT) and Tullow Parish Centre as "activity hubs" for older adults. The LSP also used SLOT as the base for the Go for Life actions. Although we are targeting the older population, the activities are open to all to promote integration. The LSP organised activities in Tullow to provide an outreach to people residing in rural areas. In addition to the activities at SLOT the LSP worked in collaboration with the Supreme Fitness leisure centre at Eire Og to develop activities including Pilates and yoga. The programme was promoted through key older adult agencies and voluntary groups, email distribution, print media and social media.
The following table provides a summary of the older adult activities organised by Carlow LSP in 2016:
Older Adult Programmes Duration Location Participation
Zumba Gold Carlow (SLOT) 6 weeks St. Laurence O'Tooles 31
Zumba Gold Tullow 6 weeks Parish Centre & Community Hall 14
Yoga 6 weeks St. Laurence O'Tooles 10
Pilates 6 weeks St. Laurence O'Tooles & Eire Og Supreme Fitness 10
Go for Life Games 19th May - 9th June St. Laurence O'Tooles 25
Go for Life Games 3rd Nov - 1st Dec St. Laurence O'Tooles 25
Graiguecullen Walking Group Ongoing Graiguecullen 15
Ballon/Rathoe Walking Group Ongoing Ballon GAA Club 10
Older Adult Programme Highlight - Go for Life Games Regional Event

The Go for Life Games was held in I.T Carlow on December 2nd in conjunction with Sport Science 4th Year students, Waterford LSP and Kilkenny LSP. Over 70 people took part. One of the outcomes of this project is that a link has been also established with I.T. for the inclusion of community based projects on the course content to provide practical work experience.

Older Adult Programme Outcomes

In terms of the impact of the 2015 Fit over 50 programme the LSP can point to the following outcomes: Wider range of opportunities for older adults to engage in physical activity; Increased activity levels of the participants in the programme; Promotion of increased partner working between local agencies, clubs and community groups; Groups facilitated with information in relation to funding opportunities for physical activity.


Funding dedicated to the Women in Sport programme is targeted towards programmes rolled out by both National Governing Bodies of Sport and Local Sports Partnerships as the delivery agents for sport and physical activity for the Irish Sports Council. During 2016, in partnership with County Carlow Women's Network, the LSP delivered the following one swimming programme in collaboration with the Talbot Hotel and one racket sports programme in collaboration with the Carlow Lawn Tennis Club. In addition to the above the LSP supported local volunteers to coordinate the "Buggy Buddies Programme" with approximately 25 participants.
Women In Sport Programmes Location Participation
Racket Sports Programme Carlow Lawn Tennis Club 12
Swimming Programme Talbot Hotel 8
Comments and observations from the participants on the Women in Sport programmes:
'Would love programme to be longer'
'Almost able to swim at last'
'Very good trainer'
'Very grateful to have been given the opportunity in availing in the course'
'Tutor inspired confidence in all participants'

Funded by Sport Ireland and organised by County Carlow Local Sports Partnership in collaboration with Joe Dunny of Fit2Go Bootcamp. The emphasis in the programme is to create awareness and understanding of the importance of physical activity and the health benefits not just of physical health but of mental health and well-being. "Now Move" It is a physical activity programme that is aimed at adult men to get them active, have fun and improve fitness levels. It involved twice weekly fitness sessions over 6 weeks that are led by a qualified instructor to meet your needs; structured guidance through a programme designed to suit the participant.


Workplace Physical Activity Programme

In response to requests from staff of Carlow County Council, the Local Sports Partnership team developed a Step Challenge to increase daily physical activity. 119 Carlow County Council staff members signed up to the 6 week challenge. The goal was for each person to aim to walk 10,000 steps per day. Participants are divided up into teams and there are 13 teams participating in the competition. The team with the highest average number of steps after the 6 week period won.
Comments from participants:
'Boost morale of staff'
'Encouraged me to get out and walk and mostly out of the office at lunchtime'
'Improved mental and physical health'
'Team building, positive colleague interaction'

RTE Operation Transformation 2016

Sport Ireland teamed up with the RTE Operation Transformation Programme in January 2016 to promote physical activity for all. Each Local Sports Partnership across the national network organised a community walk, which took place on in Carlow at Rathwood Home & Garden Centre. There was approximately 400 participants. The walk was 5km in length.

Bike Week 2016
Bike Week
Bike Week 2016 took place between the 11th and 19th June and in Carlow it was another huge success with over 1200 children and adults from around the county taking part in organised events. Bike week is organised by County Carlow Local Sports Partnership along with Carlow County Council and this year 5 Community groups and 10 schools ran events during the week. Fun Family Cycle Event held on Sunday 3rd July, 2016. Over 140 people attended this free event aimed at 2-10 year olds. Participants enjoyed off-road cycling, obstacle courses, a geocache treasure hunt, arts and crafts, games on the green and much more.
Bike Week
Carlow Autumn Walking Festival Events 2016

The LSP engaged with Carlow Tourism to develop and coordinate two "C" walks/events for the Carlow Walking festival October, 2016:
a. CLASHGANNY TRAIL KIDS EVENT - Organised a scavenger event with "Trail Kids" which 12 people attended on Saturday 1st October in Clashganny.
b. OAK PARK FAMILY "GET OUTDOORS" GEOCACHE TREASURE HUNT EVENT - Organised a Geocache Treasure Hunt in Oak Park, which took place on Sunday 2nd October which approx. 400 people attended. This programme was funded by the HSE.

Parkrun Carlow

The Local Sports Partnership assisted Parkrun Ireland to establish a Parkrun in Tullow. Parkrun is a not for profit company that sets up free weekly timed 5K runs with any community that wants one. The runs are held every Saturday at 9.30 in local parks and are targeted at people who would not be confident enough to enter a traditional race. There is also always a social aspect to every event like a local cafe that "parkrunners" are encouraged to attend post event. Every event is administered by volunteers recruited from the participants. There are now approximately 170 events globally running around 24,000 people weekly. See A volunteer group has been recruited.


DCYA Capital Grant Play & Recreation Youth Capital Funding

Carlow Local Sports Partnership secured €17,000 under the Department of Children and Youth Affairs "Capital Funding Scheme for Play and Recreation 2016". This funding scheme was introduced in 2013 to support new and existing play and recreation facilities for children and young people. The Local Sports Partnership secured funding to develop permanent orienteering sites, an inclusive balance bike programme for 2 - 6 year olds and a primary school golf programme.

Department of Community & Youth Affairs - Play Day & Recreation Week 2016

The DCYA administer a grant to support activities for National Recreation Week (3rd July - 9th July 2016) and National Play Day (Sunday 3rd July). The theme for was "Remembering 1916".
Applications that include some elements that focus on 1916.
  • Recreation Week - Carlow Regional Youth Services
    The LSP supported Carlow Regional Youth Services with funding to run the following activities for Recreation Week:
    Teenage Team Building Challenge: Go Quest Young people travelled from Carlow to Dublin for the activity €282 which included the activity and the bus 13 teenagers
    Teenage Water Activity to Bay Sports in Athlone Young people travelled from Carlow to Athlone for the activity €220 which included the activity and the bus 11 teenagers
  • Tullow Road Play Day Event Saturday 27th August - CCDP & LSP
    This "Free Family Fun" event was funded by the Department of Community & Youth Affairs and Carlow County Council and organised jointly by County Carlow Local Sports Partnership, Carlow Regional Youth Services, and County Carlow Development Partnership. The attendance exceeded expectations with 409 signatures on the registration sheet. The objective of the project was to provide an opportunity for play and recreation for the residents of the Tullow Road and to generate community spirit and relationship building between the residents, local clubs, groups and community volunteers. County Carlow Development Partnership organised a clean-up of the estates in the lead up to the event and Carlow Regional Youth Services assisted in the promotion of the event and recruitment of volunteers. Local residents were involved in the planning and delivery. It is intended that this will become an annual event, subject to funding.
    Play Day Tullow Road Play Day Aug 2016 - over 400 people attended
Objective 2: More Sustainable Infrastructure

A key focus for LSPs is that there is a sustainable level of development within the local sports infrastructure. Across the network LSPs work with clubs and groups to ensure that structures are in place to enable participation for all community members in a wide range of sport or physical activity options. This sustainable environment is further facilitated through supporting volunteers and coaches in opportunities to enhance their skills and improve the quality of sports participation in their communities.

Community Sports Hubs

A Community Sports Activity Hub (CSAH) is a collective of progressive sports clubs and other local organisations/stakeholders that want to work together to improve the sport offered in their local community. Each club and organisation will be unique, however they are all meant to work to certain principles, namely grow participation, engage the local community, promote community leadership, offer a range of sporting opportunities and bring all appropriate (key) partners/ groups/people together. Community Partnership is an integral aspect of the project. Needs are to be identified and consultation will take place from the ground up. Strategic links will be established with key local agencies, sports clubs, commercial bodies, voluntary groups, in addition to local primary and secondary schools. This will include engaging with the local communities with the aim to gain local "buy-in" and create a hub of sports and recreational activities.
During 2016 the LSP worked on the development of two community sports hubs:
  1. Tullow Road Community Sports Hub
  2. Graiguecullen Watersports Hub
Intended Outcomes of the CSAH Initiative
National Governing Bodies of Sport; Local Clubs; Local Businesses; etc. The sports hub is a collaboration of local stakeholders dedicated to using the power of sport and physical activity for specific outcomes:
AimSpecific GoalsPossible Outcomes
Providing the pathway More opportunities to participate in sport and physical activity
A home where a range of local sports clubs can work together
A welcome and safe place to take part in sport and physical activity

Research into community profiles and needs assessment Marketing and promotion activities, including outreach by sports clubs

Purchase capital equipment

Development of joint initiatives between sports clubs and recreational physical activity groups

Delivery of training and development courses for sports volunteers

Rollout of joint club "come and try"/taster sessions to increase membership

Develop and pilot a range of inter-linked sporting opportunities
Well-trained people Training and development of the people that make sport happen
Strong sports groups/clubs Self-sustaining sports clubs / organisations An integrated approach from local partners
A social environment that engages members of the community
Better organised and connected local clubs
Genuine community engagement and leadership
Quality facilities Improved access for local people and sports clubs at affordable prices
Integration with local facility planning and programming

The LSP provides a range of supports to the providers of sport and physical activity across the County, as well as working with NGBs, sports clubs, communities and individuals to introduce new sports opportunities and pathways for participation in physical exercise. The list below represents a few examples of clubs and NGBs supported during 2016. The LSP assisted 26 sports clubs with development support actions of the course of the year.


Sports Ambassador Bursary for Elite Athletes

The Carlow Ambassador Award is a joint initiative between Carlow County Council & County Carlow Local Sports Partnership to provide recognition and support to emerging local talent.
The bursary itself is worth €1,500, however, this is a special award and it is not just about supporting the athlete financially. The recipient will act as an ambassador for sport in Carlow, promoting active lifestyles and providing inspiration to all through their own achievements. This is the second year of the award. Marcus Lawler was the recipient last year. All of the applications received were assessed carefully by a sub-committee of the County Council and these applicants represented a broad range of sports including: athletics, gaelic football, soccer, and karate to name but a few The applications came from all corners of the County. A formal presentation was made to the 2016 recipient Molly Scott at an event held in the County Council Chamber on Monday 15th February 2016. The Chief Executive of Sport Ireland, John Treacy, was the guest speaker. Thanks to everyone who came in support. Feedback from John Treacy, Molly Scott and family was excellent.
Elite Paul Scott, John Treacy, Chief Executive Carlow County Council Kathleen Holohan, Cllr. Walter Lacey & Molly Scott, along with invited guests.

The LSP supports the Department of Education Active School initiative through the provision of opportunities for teachers to upskill, development of participation programmes targeting schools and by flagging opportunities available through the NGBs. The Active School Flag (ASF) is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. Schools wishing to achieve the ASF begin the process by self-evaluating their current provision across 3 areas: Physical Education, Physical Activity and Partnerships. Schools must also organise an Active School Week programme and commit to having it as part of their annual school calendar. Schools that can say "yes" to all of the ASF success criteria will be awarded with the active flag. The flag remains valid for a period of 3 years after which time schools will be invited to re-apply. ASF is a Department of Education and Skills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland. The following is a list of programmes the LSP offered to primary schools in 2016:
  • Sportshall Athletics - This is a partnership programme between the LSP and Athletics Ireland which aims to introduce senior cycle children in primary schools to fundamental athletics and agility balance and coordination activities using indoor sport hall athletics. The key components of the programme includes teacher education workshops, delivery of coaching sessions within school sites, regional and national fun competitions. Athletics Association Ireland (AAI) have supported the recruitment of 2 tutors to deliver Sports Hall Athletics in primary schools in Carlow. A total of 305 children are engaged in a 6 week programme in 2016.
  • Primary Days Golf Programme - Supported the Confederation of Golf in Ireland to plan and develop a pilot programme a pilot programme linked to Carlow Golf Club. The target group is 5th and 6th class pupils. The LSP will support the programme by sourcing the equipment as advised by CGI. Programme delivered to pupils in Killeshin NS in 2016.
  • Step Challenge Programme - Supported two primary schools with equipment and worksheets to organise a step challenge programme to encourage participants to be more active throughout the school day.
  • Balance Bike Programme - Purchased 22 balance bikes with funding secured through the Department of Youth & Community Affairs - Youth Capital Grant Scheme. In the process of recruiting and upskilling tutors to enable the Local Sports Partnership to coordinate the delivery of a balance bike programme for pre-school and Junior Infant children across the County. This programme will be rolled in in collaboration with the County Childcare Committee.
  • Active School Week April 25th - 29th 2016 - Supported eight local primary schools in the delivery of their "Active School Week Programme". Each school received one day of Sportshall Athletics training at a cost of €200 per day per school to Carlow LSP.


LSP Bi-annual Training Calendar

LSPs provide a range of important up-skilling and training opportunities at local level for volunteers, coached and administrators. Development and coordination of the Winter Training Calendar to upskill sports volunteers in collaboration with IT Carlow. Training opportunities include Safeguarding 1 Basic Awareness Workshop in Child Welfare & Protection, Safeguarding 2 Club Children's Officer Workshop and Sports First Aid. The timetable is available from the Local Sports Partnership office.
LSP Training Programme Delivered 2016 Number of Courses Number of Participants
Safeguarding 1 Child Welfare in Sport Awareness Course 17 253
Safeguarding 2 Club Childrens Officer Course 1 12
Sports First Aid 2 16
Rec Level 3 1 8
Disability Inclusion Training 2 43
Community Coaching Course 2 27
Youth Sports Leader 1 23
Out to Play Seminar 1 50
Total 27 432
Training & Education Highlight - Community Coaching Programme with IT Carlow

The programme is an initiative between Carlow Local Sports Partnership in conjunction with Institute of Technology Carlow and approved and supported by Sport Ireland, formally known as the Irish Sports Council. 27 people in total completed this course in 2016. The programme is funded through the Dormant Acounts Fund and IT Carlow. All of the coaching elements of the course are certified by the IRFU, GAA, FAI and Get Ireland Walking. Holders of the Level 6 Certificate in Community Sports Coaching may gain employment in the sports sector as coaches, physical activity leaders or referees and the programme also provides a pathway to further education opportunities.

Youth Sports Leadership Training

The Local Sports Partnership secured funding from Sport Ireland and the Dormant Accounts Funds to organise and deliver 4 x Sports Leadership training courses for young people. The Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership provides the ideal starting point for learners aged 13 years and over who wish to develop their leadership skills, whilst under the direct supervision of their Tutor/Assessor or other suitably qualified adult. The syllabus is designed to develop generic leadership skills that can be applied to a variety of sports and/or recreational situations as well as contributing to the personal development of the learner. Currently planning the delivery of 4 youth leadership training courses, to take place in the 1st & 2nd quarter 2016 and working through the administration requirements from the coordinating body engaged by Sport Ireland - Sports Leaders UK. A total of €5,000 was secured by Carlow Local Sports Partnership for this programme. The programme was delivered to the Vocational School in 2016 and three schools are scheduled for delivery in 2017.

Out to Play & Physical Literacy Seminar

Approximately 50 early years practitioners attended the "Out to Play" Seminar, which took place in Castlecomer Discovery Park on Saturday the 14th of May. The aim was to promote the use of the outdoors for learning and play with children aged 0-6 years. The conference was organized to achieve the joint goal of the partner agencies which is to help children lead active healthy lives. This was a joint initiative between Kilkenny & Carlow. The partner agencies were; Kilkenny Recreation and Sports Partnership, County Carlow Local Sports Partnership, Carlow & Kilkenny County Childcare Committee and HSE Health Promotion and Improvements.


Outputs for all aspects of Providing Information and Resources are summarised below.
Producing and Disseminating Resources
Number of physical booklets or information leaflets produced 20
Number of directories produced/ updated 3
Number of people/clubs/groups on email list 750
Number of press releases issued 10
Number of annual reports disseminated 1
Number of presentations delivered 24
Total 808
Use of Media (including Social Media)
Number of articles in local press/radio 10
Facebook: Number of posts/updates 300
Facebook: Number of Followers 200
Twitter: Number of tweets 3
Twitter: Number of Followers 25
Twitter: Number Following 40
Total 2,378
Critical Incident Protocol for Sports Clubs

A sub-committee of the LSP collated and developed a draft critical incident protocol for sports clubs. This protocol will be made available on the new LSP website when it is established.

Audit of Sports Clubs

The LSP completed an audit of local sports clubs with a view to publishing a directory of sports clubs. 200 clubs responded to the audit. The updating of this information is crucial to effective communications.

Audit of Opportunities for People with a Disability

The LSP completed an audit of opportunities for people with a disability to engage in physical activity. This information will be used to promote those organisations providing activities and also to highlight the gaps.


The LSP supported and promoted the following campaigns
  • Bike Week 2016
  • European Week of Sport 2016
  • Carlow Walking Festival 2016
  • Pride of Place Borris 2016
Networking, Partnership, & Collaboration

The LSP is represented on the following local committees and networks:
  • Age Friendly
  • Social Inclusion Forum
  • Carlow Volunteer Centre BOM
  • Carlow County Council Walking Forum
The LSP is represented on the following regional and national networks:
  • LSP National Network - National Sports Policy Submission
  • Local Sports Partnership South East Network
  • Local Authority Play & Recreation Network
Team Local Sports Partnership Team: Chairperson, Carmel Lynch; Coordinator, Martha Jane Duggan; Administrator, Sandra Corrigan; & Community Sports Development Officer, Louise Barry.

Carlow County Council, Athy Road, Carlow. R93 E7R7
Tel. +353 59 9170300.