Carlow County Council Annual Report 2016


Carlow County Councils Motor Tax Office delivers a high standard of service to members of the public.
The collection of Vehicle License Fees remains its primary function.
The Motor Taxation Online service is available 24/7 - 365 days per year at

Almost 43,000 transactions were completed in the Motor Tax Office in 2016. Over 36,500 tax discs were issued. Total monies collected in 2016 amounted to €6.8 million as follows:

€ million %
Private Vehicles 4.7 68.6
Goods Vehicles 1.7 25.8
Miscellaneous 0.5 05.6
Total 6.9 100%
In addition to the above 49,443 transactions to a value of €8,290,241 were processed online.

Carlow County Council, Athy Road, Carlow. R93 E7R7
Tel. +353 59 9170300.